If you or your loved one is in need of alcohol rehab or drug rehab, we are glad you found EMAAN. We are here to assist you in finding the treatment program to best fit the needs of you or your loved one. EMAAN Treatment Centers offer a personalized drug rehab experience, so while we outline our ‘base’ addiction treatment and drug rehabiliation programs, we do not present a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution, because we are not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ treatment center. We offer a number of solutions, all of which can be tailored to fit specific needs and circumstances.
When an individual chooses EMAAN, our goal is to directly address the disease of alcoholism and/or drug addiction. Our approach involves professional addiction treatment such as cognitive-behavior therapy, family therapy, support groups, and other individual counseling services. It also includes other activities designed to strengthen the mind, body and spirit. Our experience has shown when traditional therapies are combined with specialized treatments, the result is an increase in individuals achieving and maintaining sobriety
EMAAN residential alcohol and drug rehab is similar to an inpatient drug treatment program. Clients are expected to make a minimum commitment of few weeks or accordingly, where they live on site in one of our houses with others who are attempting to recover from substance abuse, chemical dependency, alcoholism or addiction. We offer residential alcohol and drug treatment at three places . Our programs range from 10 to 90 days (or more), can include alcohol and/or drug detox and are personalized to fit the specific needs of each individual we treat to offer them what we feel is the best chance to succeed. Unlike many ‘cookie cutter’ treatment centers, EMAAN will work with you to help you select the right programs and ancillary options for your specific personality and situation. We will also work to ‘match’ you with an appropriate ‘core treatment team’ which will work with you throughout your stay.
EMAAN Extended Care Treatment is a transitional program available to those who have completed a residential program and need, or would like help transitioning back to everyday life. The extended care program is conducted at facilities separate from our residential treatment center, and is highly personalized to the specific needs of individuals in order to address and overcome obstacles associated with rejoining families, the work place, and other aspects of day-to-day life. Much like the residential drug rehab and alcohol treatment programs offered by EMAAN, the extended care program offers ancillary treatment options, which can include family counseling, educational and career coaching, equine and/or art therapy, and many others, depending on the specific needs of the individual. In the extended care program, our staff will continue to work with you or a loved on to help select the options we feel offer the best chance for long term success in overcoming alcoholism or drug addiction.
If you do not know which program or combination of programs best suits the individual needs of you or a loved one (most people do not), Please feel free to contact EMAAN Treatment Center’s Admissions Office at (see our contact page) and we will be happy to assist you in selecting a plan and creating a personalized treatment experience.
EMAAN Treatment Centers provide supervised alcohol and drug detox by working with licensed, independent affiliates who provide close supervision and monitoring to ensure the comfort and safety of clients withdrawing from drugs or alcohol for our alcohol and drug rehab programs. Not very often, clients may need the additional medical support available at a hospital. If this occurs, EMAAN will help make the necessary arrangements to ensure a seamless transition from our facility, to a nearby medical center.
One of the difficulties in selecting the right detox program is sorting through all the information and detoxification methods, such as ‘rapid opiate detox’, ‘slow and methodical detox’, ‘medically assisted detox’, and others, which are often touted as ‘the best technique’ for withdrawing from alcohol and drugs (detoxification).
At EMAAN, we make finding the right alcohol and/or drug detox process easier. Rather than leaving you to chose on your own, we offer a a panel of highly qualified medical specialists for you to work with.
The detox specialists working with EMAAN’ clients monitor the process, ensuring that clients receive the care they need to pass comfortably through this stage of treatment. They will not try to fit you into a ‘one-size-fits-all’ program, or recommend a course of action simply because it is ‘new’ or ‘cutting-edge’, but will evaluate your situation, providing recommendations based on their years of experience.
Although detoxification is usually a short process, it is not one to be taken lightly, because it is one of the toughest stages of the journey to sobriety and lays the foundation for completing a full alcohol or drug rehab program. During the detoxification process at EMAAN Treatment Centers, clients are not only adjusting their body’s internal balances, breaking the habits of substance use, and beginning to regain health, they are also being counseled and prepared for the addiction treatment program.
At EMAAN Treatment Centers, the detox process allows our clients’ nervous systems to re-adjust, and to restore the internal balances to a more normal state. The right supervision can help eliminate uncomfortable, harmful, or even fatal side-effects often associated with substance withdrawals. The goal of the detoxification process at EMAAN is to provide a safe, comfortable withdrawal from drugs and/or alcohol and set clients up for sucess in completing the alcoholism or drug treatment process.
There are many risks associated with withdrawal, which vary depending upon the substance(s) being withdrawn from, so all independent detoxification specialists affiliated with EMAAN Teamtment Centers are highly qualified specialists who offer high-quality, professional, caring, supportive services.
Sobriety begins before the treatment program does. It is a fact in the clinical world: individuals who participate in a detox program, like the one offered by EMAAN Treatment Centers, receive a benefit from the brief period between the beginning of sobriety and the beginning of treatment. Our providers use alcohol and drug detox as a time to educate individuals and teach them how to develop acceptable relationships with clinical staff. When these participants arrive for treatment, they have a head start.
We understand beginning a life of sobriety is very difficult. Fear of withdrawal symptoms are a concern of many, but with the various detox programs available at our disposal, those fears can be put to rest. Our affiliates provide safe, supervised detoxification prior to treatment.
Please Note: Drug and alcohol detox (withdrawals) can be life threatening and should only be conducted by well qualified, licensed professionals. Alcohol has some of the most dangerous substance withdrawals and sudden unsupervised cessation can result in delirium tremens (DTs), or even death. Unsupervised withdrawal from barbiturates may also cause death, and opiate withdrawal although generally not life-threatening can be so uncomfortable otherwise committed individuals may abandon hopes of sobriety altogether. Please, seek professional help for withdrawals from all substances.
If you or your loved one is in need of alcohol rehab or drug rehab, we are glad you found EMAAN. We are here to assist you in finding the treatment program to best fit the needs of you or your loved one.